No news articles will be written until the invasion ends.
After upgrading to Pavlov 27, we created a new Hidden Lobby by Mottflyer. This is a wonderful addition to Vrmassive. We have added currently 16 maps to our rotation, but we have more to come in the future. Vrmassive has […]
Change your skin in discord for free! If you want to change your skin in a Super SND lobby now, you can. Simply click here or click “Connect” button on the bottom of the discord widget below. Once you’re in […]
After a long time of coding and meetings with our Moderators, we finally rolled out meds for all gamers. Special thanks to all our Heroes in the Heroes Club and our Mods who made this possible by supporting us. There […]
From -DogVR1, I am proud to announce the next wave of admins to the Massive servers. Please congratulate the newest admins to the team! @AlanJustAlan @akchev @bananekiller @WantonValkyrie Congrats! We couldn’t have chosen a better group of Moderators. We thank […]
On SwaggerSouls birthday he decided to enjoy himself and play a little Pavlov. It starts off like any other birthday until SwaggerSouls was graced with the voice of our very own Ponponhead then Ponponhead sings to SwaggerSouls. SwaggerSouls was blown […]
Heroes have powers that they use for good. So now you do too. Syringes have been added to the lobby. If a gamer dies you can revive them! -Enjoy
More skins! If you are in the Heroes Club you can now change your skin to a Farmer, Clown, Prisoner, along with the new character skins as well US soldier, Soviet Soldier, or German Soldier. How do you join the […]
This is very exciting many people have been looking forward to this Tournament. If you would like to see if you will be playing in the tournament please go to our discord and ask Vrmassive bot who will be playing […]
Maverick gave us a small gift. Museum. Merry Christmas everyone. We needed a little space and had to replace Tuscan. When I return from the holidays, surgery home building etc. I will dive right into how we can add more […]