Halloween Skins Unlocked!

Halloween Skins Unlocked!

Oct 19 Massive  
So sleepy :sleeping:. I just finished the skins update for all the grinders who are in the top 100 players on the (Fall Season Leader Board ) will get skin. If you are a gamer who can only play at certain times but has a high k to d ratio and you have at least 200 points you will also get a skin. All you have to do is join the Lobby and your skin will change. If it does not and you fit the requirements try leaving and rejoining the game. If that doesn’t work reach out to Massive. The way to make your skin permanent is to join the Heros Club and you can change your skin to 3 options Clown, farmer, or prisoner. Join our discord for more information. Also few more cool additions.
  • New Maps:
  • Zibra Tower added. Firm handshakes to Kennithh map creator
  • Cyber league 3080 Firm handshakes to John Cletus map creator
Happy Halloween :halloweenhappysmile: in advance.