Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#1200 atreides 51 96 77 45
#1201 Stitch 51 74 68 23
#1202 General0neill 51 130 55 79
#1203 mae 51 61 24 10
#1204 Mathewsaf 51 104 58 53
#1205 Kioley38 51 47 50 4
#1206 BumSmasher69 51 37 37 14
#1207 jessiejames 51 115 74 64
#1208 terve886 51 52 38 1
#1209 BriddleStien 51 91 77 40
#1210 TomasTon 51 63 47 12
#1211 Axver 50 58 37 8
#1212 Lil Pete on Tumblr 50 47 33 3
#1213 AdrianWithA 50 34 33 16
#1214 Geoff 50 84 42 34
#1215 ThomasWiesel 50 88 59 38
#1216 theSTIGinRED 50 80 58 30
#1217 Carlsen 50 53 54 3
#1218 bradeyh 50 90 48 40
#1219 Bao 50 136 108 86
#1220 ShadoWalkeR 50 63 32 13
#1221 young one on the come up 50 27 21 23
#1222 Genosse Honecker 50 81 42 31
#1223 Lemur 50 69 46 19
#1224 aidan. 50 39 30 11
#1225 YOU AIM AT MEI SHOOT 49 54 30 5
#1226 Vitaliy.RU 49 47 40 2
#1227 RagnarLi 49 53 57 4
#1228 Dr. Zoidberg 49 37 38 12
#1229 Chore 49 68 44 19
#1230 MhmmSubway 49 32 35 17
#1231 Daliwai 49 43 37 6
#1232 McAnally 49 55 47 6
#1233 HarrysH 49 52 39 3
#1234 Jesoose Christo 49 84 53 35
#1235 robocat456 49 62 27 13
#1236 Kiwi Gun Gamer 49 70 38 21
#1237 autismo420 49 48 52 1
#1238 Hallow 49 43 33 6
#1239 BoomStick 49 69 51 20
#1240 HowdyRoznell 48 81 57 33
#1241 Anonymous gamer 48 99 68 51
#1242 Greymist 48 51 26 3
#1243 Anonymous gamer 48 60 42 12
#1244 luckynumchris 48 113 67 65
#1245 Riyami 48 66 62 18
#1246 owen 48 54 39 6
#1247 CG33 48 55 37 7
#1248 ldtinydick 48 61 57 13
#1249 Stingfuse 48 63 25 15
#1250 Irizaki 48 63 46 15
#1251 Zacyboo 48 92 39 44
#1252 Dusha YZ 48 126 79 78
#1253 Hitsquish 48 49 29 1
#1254 Erzjartik 48 113 63 65
#1255 funny mic 48 47 20 1
#1256 Jakeaspade 48 74 58 26
#1257 Anonymous gamer 48 137 68 89
#1258 FAMAJ 48 66 38 18
#1259 Rehex 48 67 44 19
#1260 Arrow 47 45 36 2
#1261 SoggyToaster 47 134 59 87
#1262 InvalidToast 47 124 79 77
#1263 Funklenton 47 73 40 26
#1264 Kravis 47 44 48 3
#1265 [JBX] Dog 47 53 43 6
#1266 Ace 47 15 13 32
#1267 Master of Reality 47 105 69 58
#1268 GCZY 47 124 43 77
#1269 spase 47 87 61 40
#1270 Broccoli Enjoyer 47 82 71 35
#1271 xiaoxiaoba280 47 74 38 27
#1272 PllC7791 47 91 48 44
#1273 SpartanA60 47 46 33 1
#1274 BarbacoaBuddy 47 85 73 38
#1275 Zcbros 46 111 61 65
#1276 Position 46 88 48 42
#1277 WatchDog 46 91 60 45
#1278 Darkle tinkieworples 46 75 34 29
#1279 Easy 46 74 41 28
#1280 Broadway 46 71 43 25
#1281 KAKASHI 2 46 103 64 57
#1282 sono himitsu 46 73 55 27
#1283 Skullwing 46 69 44 23
#1284 DerpykingNL 46 40 34 6
#1285 asshat 46 114 68 68
#1286 DarkMoon-RDF 46 57 35 11
#1287 MalekIsWeird 46 65 51 19
#1288 BossLevel 45 96 55 51
#1289 Ninjalox2 45 55 41 10
#1290 blueturtle 45 42 49 3
#1291 HunterWolfV2 45 48 50 3
#1292 vAce 45 61 38 16
#1293 Smol rat 45 57 32 12
#1294 Bun 45 47 28 2
#1295 [PVFR]gabi974 45 42 41 3
#1296 RaZoR 45 104 74 59
#1297 smollie 45 30 40 15
#1298 Henk de Jaeger 45 63 36 18
#1299 Yaki 45 53 39 8