Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#1300 walter white 45 51 45 6
#1301 HopingSky 45 70 59 25
#1302 Gubert 45 45 38 0
#1303 jackshiba 45 42 25 3
#1304 s1ice 45 62 47 17
#1305 rcastle2109 45 82 41 37
#1306 the hooligan 45 31 38 14
#1307 Oxyforthepain 45 41 17 4
#1308 Loco78 45 99 44 54
#1309 daniel1108 44 60 38 16
#1310 emilio 44 35 27 9
#1311 Roods 44 64 32 20
#1312 THICCen little 44 36 39 8
#1313 YarSlayer 44 65 41 21
#1314 Stitch 44 102 65 58
#1315 Anonymous gamer 44 174 67 130
#1316 Minou 44 77 37 33
#1317 TunaSteak 44 48 43 4
#1318 Dibo 44 68 34 24
#1319 DTGoBeaR 44 82 54 38
#1320 Sharlotte 44 86 57 42
#1321 Tryptamins 43 29 19 14
#1322 Anonymous gamer 43 83 50 40
#1323 tPoncho 43 34 30 9
#1324 john 43 73 55 30
#1325 Crash 43 44 38 1
#1326 Phitherem the Master of Humans 43 59 51 16
#1327 twich maxtr0llix 43 100 48 57
#1328 steph the seal 43 46 40 3
#1329 Hemp Wick Diver 101.1 43 56 45 13
#1330 MiLuKi 43 62 45 19
#1331 75 43 109 48 66
#1332 Trumoo 43 70 37 27
#1333 Papinando 42 56 28 14
#1334 Blu3z 42 34 30 8
#1335 Captain EO 42 45 23 3
#1336 TDC Delta NL 42 194 75 152
#1337 Cruella 42 95 48 53
#1338 MrBlack 42 64 48 22
#1339 Dport 42 56 61 14
#1340 RallE 42 18 21 24
#1341 MerMaxAfricContent Blocked 42 36 30 6
#1342 Ski Mask 42 134 73 92
#1343 hulk9999 42 43 26 1
#1344 Swwsh 42 74 65 32
#1345 6th Ward Dumaine 42 71 50 29
#1346 citizen 42 32 24 10
#1347 I LIKE BEANS 42 65 49 23
#1348 Misz 42 94 44 52
#1349 AdmiralAchNein 42 57 46 15
#1350 The Sleepy Soviet 42 67 38 25
#1351 Thejuicydog111 42 29 31 13
#1352 OcerIsOut 42 57 26 15
#1353 explosion 42 45 38 3
#1354 VRKIEV4 42 50 49 8
#1355 vendetta 42 33 22 9
#1356 rowley 42 92 38 50
#1357 InnovativeOne 42 47 42 5
#1358 libscienprofile7 42 94 49 52
#1359 LSDW0nny 41 68 42 27
#1360 47 41 51 32 10
#1361 Ryaque646 41 44 36 3
#1362 DoomSlayer65 41 40 30 1
#1363 Redskins59 41 96 46 55
#1364 I have to poo 41 47 49 6
#1365 Infultrator 41 64 47 23
#1366 DirtyMike 41 34 20 7
#1367 Mystical Heart 41 71 40 30
#1368 Nick 41 47 48 6
#1369 S0HDIUM 41 33 24 8
#1370 The Sun 41 60 52 19
#1371 Jovechkin16 41 102 62 61
#1372 L a r z [BIG ABORIGINAL] 41 48 24 7
#1373 PerroDeformeConHambre 41 57 47 16
#1374 Perseus 41 59 28 18
#1375 Hollow 41 40 37 1
#1376 RagdellNano 41 60 32 19
#1377 Root Beer 41 40 21 1
#1378 DDURI8888 41 40 23 1
#1379 Russbuss 41 53 54 12
#1380 BoberE29 40 44 37 4
#1381 kiwikiwi13 40 83 39 43
#1382 IronXclaw 40 61 44 21
#1383 animedittys 40 83 61 43
#1384 MrAbominable1 40 37 22 3
#1385 Pvt. in my pants 40 57 61 17
#1386 Boltatron9000 40 63 75 23
#1387 Berrie 40 26 29 14
#1388 Toxic Can 40 95 42 55
#1389 Ebbu 40 55 29 15
#1390 Sphyxia 40 42 24 2
#1391 Fumbles 40 51 35 11
#1392 Blay3r 40 59 33 19
#1393 Richard 40 32 21 8
#1394 yangkiru 40 71 49 31
#1395 Gord0n300exc 40 52 31 12
#1396 911 40 66 25 26
#1397 xiaobawangss 40 114 47 74
#1398 asthmaATTACK 40 92 37 52
#1399 PatCo666 40 88 60 48