Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#3400 RNG 10 33 14 23
#3401 rzr170x 10 18 4 8
#3402 Zubrilov 10 13 13 3
#3403 Devster 10 22 10 12
#3404 fludblud 10 26 19 16
#3405 Starstriker1 10 9 8 1
#3406 Neko-Amertre 10 14 8 4
#3407 SkullBM 10 13 13 3
#3408 Valaen 10 51 28 41
#3409 Sawyer42 10 7 8 3
#3410 Adamisk TTV 10 26 8 16
#3411 zhhuang 10 25 26 15
#3412 General E. Annoy 10 8 2 2
#3413 Sithun 10 27 14 17
#3414 Versalife 10 29 12 19
#3415 Beldegor 10 6 1 4
#3416 PunishedWater 10 6 4 4
#3417 UnGodded 10 22 17 12
#3418 Sus Bed Stain 10 14 13 4
#3419 Erdbewohner 10 31 20 21
#3420 stoni 10 5 9 5
#3421 Howardlalala 10 40 25 30
#3422 thetruHyeNa 10 13 9 3
#3423 AnthonyBlue 10 17 17 7
#3424 Exc72 10 34 17 24
#3425 Wolfeye-NL 10 12 13 2
#3426 Iceuck 10 6 7 4
#3427 bouboune 10 34 14 24
#3428 lebiffleurmasqu 10 15 10 5
#3429 Doost 10 23 17 13
#3430 BogusDrivingTips 10 23 9 13
#3431 alexanderta 10 42 12 32
#3432 iwannalongnicknamethx 10 12 9 2
#3433 Ghost 10 12 10 2
#3434 Joaquin 10 11 15 1
#3435 mauzZzer 10 19 8 9
#3436 Ringelschwanzmungo 10 45 30 35
#3437 Wulfe007 10 25 21 15
#3438 KENNYZAWR 10 15 3 5
#3439 Russell 10 19 8 9
#3440 Bird 10 22 4 12
#3441 Found 10 6 10 4
#3442 TC SKATES 10 9 12 1
#3443 boncik 10 17 6 7
#3444 Hlias 10 10 8 0
#3445 sniperelg 10 20 8 10
#3446 REAL MARINE 1 10 26 20 16
#3447 Rocketman636 10 18 13 8
#3448 CrimsonKg 10 2 4 8
#3449 EliteComSip 10 8 13 2
#3450 Cyfii 10 16 5 6
#3451 Erlite 10 6 8 4
#3452 Bata Batic 10 6 2 4
#3453 Falkrye 10 36 20 26
#3454 merit 10 14 7 4
#3455 BLOODMAN31RUS 10 12 8 2
#3456 God-Random 10 26 18 16
#3457 Anonymous gamer 10 41 16 31
#3458 NachoTaco2469 10 19 8 9
#3459 Daiki-EK9 10 26 8 16
#3460 Arial 10 16 4 6
#3461 Wilted 10 23 9 13
#3462 SuitMan 10 12 5 2
#3463 pluto 10 3 3 7
#3464 GhostDragon 10 28 21 18
#3465 vktr 10 15 4 5
#3466 Yeetumusmaximus 10 26 23 16
#3467 BENTI 10 12 9 2
#3468 Mrbirdman420 10 14 11 4
#3469 Prankman 10 11 8 1
#3470 Piszczel 10 19 13 9
#3471 Rocketdude01 10 11 7 1
#3472 mandarines 10 31 10 21
#3473 ShuMei 10 9 5 1
#3474 OnlyAfghans 10 15 8 5
#3475 DerfOnarged 10 34 19 24
#3476 ujvari.norbert.ev 10 40 19 30
#3477 SirChrissyboy 10 40 29 30
#3478 ETR2h 10 24 10 14
#3479 Anonymous gamer 10 43 23 33
#3480 OGP0TTER 10 21 6 11
#3481 VideoGameGhandi 10 9 7 1
#3482 pkmj3 10 30 7 20
#3483 TKSS 10 22 16 12
#3484 xbabychri5x 10 11 11 1
#3485 Dimer 10 15 3 5
#3486 OG httpsskinbox.io 10 7 6 3
#3487 ticaxypor1981 10 24 18 14
#3488 karzett 10 17 8 7
#3489 El Chapo from Del Taco 10 33 17 23
#3490 Kangasaurusrex 10 46 13 36
#3491 Huggs 10 13 5 3
#3492 sam 10 16 8 6
#3493 FuzzedOut 10 29 12 19
#3494 Yakerb 10 7 6 3
#3495 SlyCat55 10 16 12 6
#3496 emax123x 10 22 13 12
#3497 Anonymous gamer 10 25 14 15
#3498 OG Mat 10 34 19 24
#3499 Alexzander 10 28 8 18