Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#4000 OchoCinco 7 20 6 13
#4001 big booty herbert 69 7 15 9 8
#4002 RayTeX 7 14 4 7
#4003 bruhinamoment 7 19 9 12
#4004 Alex Cremento 7 14 2 7
#4005 Anonymous gamer 7 18 7 11
#4006 Redanton 7 42 12 35
#4007 kucing happy 7 26 11 19
#4008 Maver1ck1ttv 7 10 8 3
#4009 APTX4869 7 9 4 2
#4010 Chui 7 14 7 7
#4011 NatsuNight 7 8 6 1
#4012 KOira 7 14 9 7
#4013 Try me... 7 21 14 14
#4014 Shmelio 7 11 6 4
#4015 Lao Yu 7 10 9 3
#4016 opelopel 7 30 20 23
#4017 BobGnarley43 7 18 14 11
#4018 patateaufour 7 5 3 2
#4019 Mr.shen 7 24 15 17
#4020 Flying Courtyard 7 7 4 0
#4021 mars806 7 11 3 4
#4022 Waltzy 7 15 4 8
#4023 BOROWIK211 7 15 11 8
#4024 lesal523 7 16 6 9
#4025 Jesus232174 7 4 9 3
#4026 CDrive 7 1 1 6
#4027 Keef 7 18 10 11
#4028 info CaseOpening.com 7 9 9 2
#4029 argonaut 7 16 5 9
#4030 ToastySkater 7 8 7 1
#4031 14yo 7 17 7 10
#4032 ricecooker 7 9 5 2
#4033 cubeala4 7 16 12 9
#4034 Arrowswinds 7 10 11 3
#4035 1 7 6 4 1
#4036 GoCommitGibby 7 15 11 8
#4037 NeilioClown 7 21 11 14
#4038 Hide. 7 23 14 16
#4039 Rufus 7 5 3 2
#4040 NapkinEater740 7 17 12 10
#4041 tcat2431 7 7 1 0
#4042 Matteo OP 7 2 2 5
#4043 Jj 7 24 11 17
#4044 sakato 7 19 11 12
#4045 neo the cracked protogen 7 27 6 20
#4046 BDBO5S 7 10 6 3
#4047 LoveUSAR 7 15 3 8
#4048 Melaxy 7 14 6 7
#4049 NOS 7 22 12 15
#4050 kiodomo 7 22 8 15
#4051 MentalHazardUwU 7 10 7 3
#4052 LovedCrib1026 7 36 20 29
#4053 MAX2012AX 7 35 17 28
#4054 MintMirage 7 10 5 3
#4055 HQ20s 7 28 15 21
#4056 chogbongala 7 7 6 0
#4057 stalmakovp61 7 34 16 27
#4058 K4KPEEK 7 26 12 19
#4059 Honoredbreak320 7 14 7 7
#4060 VANERANE 7 23 9 16
#4061 Dreamy Bull 7 5 6 2
#4062 Anonymous gamer 7 17 8 10
#4063 Insert Text Here 7 21 17 14
#4064 hegnry 7 11 10 4
#4065 Anonymous gamer 7 17 5 10
#4066 Jamb 7 15 13 8
#4067 cheesebee 7 26 17 19
#4068 Pyrepenol 7 21 10 14
#4069 DjRuss 7 10 7 3
#4070 Dr.Shaw Wire-mod master 7 11 4 4
#4071 Nox 7 9 11 2
#4072 GrimWolf 7 15 7 8
#4073 Solitude 7 17 10 10
#4074 Dorkamies 7 16 8 9
#4075 FeaR-Nix 7 13 7 6
#4076 Waffles 7 12 6 5
#4077 Potato 7 9 4 2
#4078 antosha13 7 7 7 0
#4079 Matuddy 7 24 12 17
#4080 Keith 7 5 2 2
#4081 maxstep 7 18 6 11
#4082 Bennn 7 12 2 5
#4083 Kesslersyndrome 7 23 10 16
#4084 Meow 7 9 12 2
#4085 eLFe 7 22 16 15
#4086 Adept 7 9 7 2
#4087 DmDebzTTV 7 28 20 21
#4088 FunkeyMunkey 7 12 9 5
#4089 No.7 7 10 7 3
#4090 chopAmatic 7 17 6 10
#4091 as 7 6 3 1
#4092 HEELO 7 15 11 8
#4093 Defjig 7 19 5 12
#4094 hospiciano0 7 18 8 11
#4095 Bandursken 7 17 6 10
#4096 Un Sujeto 7 23 16 16
#4097 Dov 7 7 4 0
#4098 Foodles 7 10 6 3
#4099 BITURLENTE 7 11 4 4