Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#4200 Sunswift 7 22 11 15
#4201 Max be quiet 7 6 3 1
#4202 Goblin Nonce 7 15 8 8
#4203 Wolte 7 10 9 3
#4204 Bosmaire 7 8 4 1
#4205 Anonymous gamer 7 8 6 1
#4206 ryokutyuuseki 7 16 7 9
#4207 Anonymous gamer 7 33 15 26
#4208 HashiramaSenjuTTV 7 19 6 12
#4209 Cloves 7 8 7 1
#4210 KaleBase 7 8 11 1
#4211 Anonymous gamer 7 18 9 11
#4212 PlatinumGorilla 7 5 5 2
#4213 KINGSYED 7 18 9 11
#4214 FusRoDah 7 18 11 11
#4215 Sexually Deprived Chicken Wing 7 13 6 6
#4216 Best Korea 7 15 8 8
#4217 LAKRIM 7 35 19 28
#4218 PorkyBrine 7 8 8 1
#4219 roogle 7 16 4 9
#4220 Fe11owHum0n 7 13 14 6
#4221 gacha 7 16 5 9
#4222 ErrO 7 13 6 6
#4223 Ray 7 24 10 17
#4224 ZhangXiaoBai4710 7 16 10 9
#4225 Seagull Stacks 7 16 16 9
#4226 Zixrey 7 27 11 20
#4227 Kittie 7 5 8 2
#4228 zah 7 8 4 1
#4229 ZoomingZiti 7 16 9 9
#4230 SpaghettiFTW 7 12 7 5
#4231 BiliBili 7 9 2 2
#4232 mawthrasher 7 30 15 23
#4233 BlinkerBobby 7 16 12 9
#4234 123 7 40 18 33
#4235 Jejson 7 10 5 3
#4236 b r 7 15 3 8
#4237 wolf of hill street 7 21 9 14
#4238 Therma 7 6 6 1
#4239 Vainality 7 14 6 7
#4240 Martron7 7 10 5 3
#4241 SwampMIlk 7 9 6 2
#4242 BroDaKarat 7 24 12 17
#4243 [S.T.P] F0ck0shima [CZ] 7 17 8 10
#4244 JustinSane 7 9 4 2
#4245 Your Grandma 7 26 13 19
#4246 IBurntMyBread 7 16 15 9
#4247 MrMAURIII68 7 13 12 6
#4248 Atrox 7 23 9 16
#4249 mystummyhurt 7 11 3 4
#4250 ALLAHU AWPBAR 7 9 10 2
#4251 Anonymous gamer 7 25 17 18
#4252 Bobby Jinkins 7 8 3 1
#4253 Thog Bowney 7 8 3 1
#4254 chaser493 7 19 12 12
#4255 PHROG 7 21 9 14
#4256 CSPA Silentgil 7 22 18 15
#4257 The Vail Assassin 7 25 12 18
#4258 Carmen 7 9 7 2
#4259 chevynotjonas 7 9 10 2
#4260 BB8U 7 6 5 1
#4261 Frank 7 17 8 10
#4262 Mr.Rick 7 15 8 8
#4263 siski 7 11 4 4
#4264 I Am Edgy YT 7 11 5 4
#4265 dacoolboe 7 11 11 4
#4266 ZFG3 7 24 7 17
#4267 AlexRg370 7 23 14 16
#4268 Andre00 7 14 7 7
#4269 Father Garcia 7 9 11 2
#4270 Mika 7 9 4 2
#4271 Anonymous gamer 7 2 6 5
#4272 Anonymous gamer 7 9 4 2
#4273 Victor El Nashe 7 42 14 35
#4274 Matley 7 23 9 16
#4275 Horky 7 14 13 7
#4276 Anonymous gamer 7 30 6 23
#4277 echo 7 20 16 13
#4278 Tsuki 7 17 11 10
#4279 LeafHasLeft 7 1 1 6
#4280 AcTiVaTe WiNdOwS 7 11 10 4
#4281 Sinon 7 20 12 13
#4282 itsLinkin 7 11 6 4
#4283 YGrec 7 25 16 18
#4284 Colombian D 7 9 6 2
#4285 buzzs missing testical 7 25 8 18
#4286 Nevol 7 7 4 0
#4287 ShadoW 7 7 5 0
#4288 CherryBomb 7 11 2 4
#4289 mczesty 7 34 15 27
#4290 Chips N Dip 7 4 4 3
#4291 whatsup OP 7 15 6 8
#4292 philly 7 18 8 11
#4293 Pog Frog 7 17 11 10
#4294 Rias 7 26 9 19
#4295 Dirtman 6 11 7 5
#4296 I dont speak english 6 30 14 24
#4297 Garcia 6 10 4 4
#4298 pistolpete 6 20 8 14
#4299 Mieczys 6 17 12 11