Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#4300 FURRY PORN 6 4 4 2
#4301 Stick a Whiskey Bottle in My 6 14 15 8
#4302 philipp 6 8 3 2
#4303 Pod 6 13 6 7
#4304 Skylar 6 24 11 18
#4305 Anonymous gamer 6 10 6 4
#4306 Anonymous gamer 6 9 3 3
#4307 ninjaluz 6 8 3 2
#4308 LordGeneral 6 17 16 11
#4309 [xd] DrGumik 6 12 6 6
#4310 Spzatak The 6 73 11 67
#4311 Fox 6 30 16 24
#4312 Chef 6 3 4 3
#4313 WayofRay 6 13 4 7
#4314 Anonymous gamer 6 10 4 4
#4315 Refrigerator 6 7 6 1
#4316 Juice3D 6 12 6 6
#4317 pain pills 6 8 9 2
#4318 Errock07 6 9 6 3
#4319 Cozmo 6 8 4 2
#4320 Cuervitorock 6 22 9 16
#4321 Syignis 6 11 3 5
#4322 Adamas 6 7 2 1
#4323 T e n H o E 6 7 3 1
#4324 CoffinDodger 6 4 2 2
#4325 Sanek 6 19 8 13
#4326 dubsmaster 6 8 4 2
#4327 ZloyFau5t 6 10 2 4
#4328 zugapalao91 6 6 1 0
#4329 ultraviolet 6 7 4 1
#4330 SiBass 6 23 12 17
#4331 Homeless Alcoholik 6 10 5 4
#4332 Thundriel 6 23 12 17
#4333 Reko 6 17 8 11
#4334 Arbo82 6 20 7 14
#4335 Mr Space 6 9 5 3
#4336 Gamesick 6 11 5 5
#4337 Mildly Stupid 6 20 10 14
#4338 Rapidus Red 6 15 4 9
#4339 solidmass00 6 5 4 1
#4340 Lambda 6 6 1 0
#4341 Sir Coomsalot 6 31 30 25
#4342 MaxoBlasto 6 12 8 6
#4343 reagan 6 8 4 2
#4344 veg 6 9 2 3
#4345 Anonymous gamer 6 17 8 11
#4346 mperk 6 14 11 8
#4347 Kantak 6 12 6 6
#4348 Barry4460 6 8 5 2
#4349 ex0 6 5 4 1
#4350 skalawwf 6 15 6 9
#4351 tron99 6 14 10 8
#4352 Spark 6 27 16 21
#4353 lyfreda 6 14 14 8
#4354 Panda 6 12 1 6
#4355 Anonymous gamer 6 10 6 4
#4356 Na belgijskie wafle. 6 10 7 4
#4357 3la2 6 22 5 16
#4358 --Evilbear-- 6 8 6 2
#4359 ETH 6 8 6 2
#4360 Lance 6 10 5 4
#4361 Thunderlane 6 13 7 7
#4362 Nox 6 5 1 1
#4363 kesic 6 15 13 9
#4364 Stuart Biggle 6 23 9 17
#4365 Jeam bernard 6 3 2 3
#4366 TheChosen1 6 23 16 17
#4367 Anonymous gamer 6 10 10 4
#4368 Deadcrow 6 10 8 4
#4369 scrublordmasterchief 6 5 2 1
#4370 Agt. Coal 6 8 5 2
#4371 Jon Lasaga 6 10 5 4
#4372 Skippyrat 6 14 13 8
#4373 Ghost1Gaming 6 28 9 22
#4374 Sleepy 6 11 5 5
#4375 JLN 6 29 22 23
#4376 Vrskill2 6 17 2 11
#4377 Frishberg 6 9 12 3
#4378 Green SUS 6 8 6 2
#4379 anTYsocial 6 6 5 0
#4380 yoruyuki 6 15 9 9
#4381 Mr Snap Online 6 4 6 2
#4382 Pinoc18 6 7 3 1
#4383 TNMPlayer 6 10 6 4
#4384 EconnAK 6 6 4 0
#4385 ToxicMaster 6 15 5 9
#4386 Perhks 6 5 3 1
#4387 Sordid 6 12 12 6
#4388 Isolated 6 7 3 1
#4389 mofse1 6 30 11 24
#4390 Dr. Disco 6 13 7 7
#4391 WindowsNT 6 12 6 6
#4392 Future 6 15 10 9
#4393 Buzz Light Beer 6 11 3 5
#4394 XxKILLERxX 6 17 10 11
#4395 [AFK] Pacman 6 14 11 8
#4396 Hurgle19 6 4 8 2
#4397 Christopher Boykin Big Black 6 14 6 8
#4398 1 Dollar Dog 6 7 1 1
#4399 WaterPanda 6 15 9 9