Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#4500 Maddogtannen 6 12 8 6
#4501 zek 6 13 2 7
#4502 ToasterMonster 6 7 5 1
#4503 2-D 6 10 5 4
#4504 Anonymous gamer 6 10 6 4
#4505 CoalSlaugh 6 4 6 2
#4506 Crispy 6 6 4 0
#4507 WAND3R3R 6 6 1 0
#4508 sk00p 6 5 6 1
#4509 Killer32 6 14 8 8
#4510 fastfood9000 6 17 7 11
#4511 DeadEyeBrad 6 29 14 23
#4512 RedPhoenix05 6 14 6 8
#4513 ElRuflo 6 21 7 15
#4514 Liquid Sunt 6 14 12 8
#4515 Anonymous gamer 6 7 1 1
#4516 Big Boy 6 9 3 3
#4517 BlackACE 6 20 12 14
#4518 Crafting 6 19 20 13
#4519 TheBioShocKz 6 21 6 15
#4520 nachkarvr 6 16 5 10
#4521 pixelcollector 6 9 11 3
#4522 Ryman Social Media Manager 6 9 4 3
#4523 Qc4L3X 6 17 9 11
#4524 Christopher Moltisanti 6 7 3 1
#4525 Scrminchxen 6 4 5 2
#4526 Mical Jordin -- 6 7 7 1
#4527 connor 6 10 10 4
#4528 paulwithno 6 9 6 3
#4529 Markunci ESP 6 4 1 2
#4530 wassy 6 11 6 5
#4531 AHPEIS 6 8 4 2
#4532 JAES 6 16 12 10
#4533 Maro 6 19 8 13
#4534 lisa 6 8 9 2
#4535 superdognoe 6 7 8 1
#4536 PurpleBeef 6 15 6 9
#4537 boo 6 9 9 3
#4538 turtlenunn 6 11 5 5
#4539 nuclearchristian 6 5 2 1
#4540 Betta7113 6 17 9 11
#4541 Morse 6 15 12 9
#4542 Skykonek 6 14 5 8
#4543 Duzooka 6 19 13 13
#4544 wiwic95 6 12 10 6
#4545 OWMWO 6 18 13 12
#4546 Guitarguy495 6 3 4 3
#4547 noetic 6 4 4 2
#4548 prncechrming 6 9 6 3
#4549 RedShed121 6 9 2 3
#4550 italian johnny guilty gear 6 37 16 31
#4551 VRoom 6 16 8 10
#4552 Lenscap 6 5 8 1
#4553 Kratz 6 14 8 8
#4554 Fidds 6 8 4 2
#4555 G00FYkst 6 24 20 18
#4556 La choucroutte 6 13 7 7
#4557 bahdiyarks 6 2 3 4
#4558 hirucdf 6 12 7 6
#4559 Rofl 6 5 2 1
#4560 BennyOuO 6 14 4 8
#4561 Skinwalker2297345 6 4 3 2
#4562 darkavry 6 10 8 4
#4563 chum 6 4 7 2
#4564 Baker. 6 37 11 31
#4565 st123 6 4 4 2
#4566 MLGWaterBucket 6 14 7 8
#4567 Nathaniel.B 6 19 7 13
#4568 Zorgoth The Terrible 6 10 6 4
#4569 BTUGiperNinja 6 35 23 29
#4570 MariusSM27 6 2 1 4
#4571 Anonymous gamer 6 19 19 13
#4572 Austism78 6 29 17 23
#4573 AnAwkwardSausage 6 16 15 10
#4574 BruhHaula 6 13 17 7
#4575 Kinudw 6 10 8 4
#4576 ShamWowEnthusiast 6 18 8 12
#4577 Lemming56 6 10 9 4
#4578 PeterSweeter 6 9 6 3
#4579 Moro 6 8 1 2
#4580 jpdoghunter5 6 5 7 1
#4581 SanyLukash 6 13 6 7
#4582 SLAPOCAPO 6 6 7 0
#4583 NoobSniper624 6 17 15 11
#4584 Pependula 6 9 4 3
#4585 Probably High 6 18 7 12
#4586 Full Cream Milk 6 9 6 3
#4587 Anonymous gamer 6 15 8 9
#4588 PancakeFish 6 15 6 9
#4589 jaaaaaames 6 6 5 0
#4590 GrandpaMcnasti 6 17 7 11
#4591 Toast 6 14 6 8
#4592 xXSPECKSXx 6 14 11 8
#4593 Bduidan 6 38 12 32
#4594 BuffChameleon 6 16 5 10
#4595 MrG0rd 6 8 1 2
#4596 Wall 6 17 8 11
#4597 masamune-xs 6 12 7 6
#4598 IBO190 6 9 5 3
#4599 Abdurahman Al Jafar Ibn Mahmoud 6 13 7 7