Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#4600 ReaperDLo5 6 4 1 2
#4601 123 6 21 9 15
#4602 SweatyYetiii 6 22 9 16
#4603 Jordji 6 30 4 24
#4604 protojeb 6 13 11 7
#4605 Vafman 6 14 13 8
#4606 VerZo 6 12 9 6
#4607 Kantula808 6 16 7 10
#4608 MarcinMv 6 17 12 11
#4609 SoSqlty 6 6 6 0
#4610 hereisayln 6 8 13 2
#4611 Legion 6 13 3 7
#4612 rferg200 6 8 13 2
#4613 IGoByManyInsults 6 13 8 7
#4614 frankiebarrios11011 6 18 11 12
#4615 Sayetor 6 16 10 10
#4616 Anonymous gamer 6 15 7 9
#4617 The Soyest Milk 6 7 6 1
#4618 CoolJojo 6 47 18 41
#4619 Draconix40 6 13 15 7
#4620 NUGUNKY 6 11 5 5
#4621 joshv 6 4 8 2
#4622 crazyurchin9045 6 38 18 32
#4623 HeatingBloom 6 35 18 29
#4624 gamerpropx41 6 22 9 16
#4625 fireducc 6 3 6 3
#4626 Asslens 6 15 9 9
#4627 winshot18 6 12 4 6
#4628 crkrkid 6 7 6 1
#4629 Rooster1921 6 9 5 3
#4630 Hommus Man 6 23 12 17
#4631 sSHADOWSscar 6 14 6 8
#4632 Centri 6 20 10 14
#4633 OFF 6 17 10 11
#4634 elementsofdope 6 18 5 12
#4635 LaernHowToSpel 6 10 9 4
#4636 Mikaelsonk 6 18 9 12
#4637 habibi 6 8 8 2
#4638 Herpes Free Since 03 6 13 8 7
#4639 Cannabro714 6 10 6 4
#4640 MrMesky 6 18 7 12
#4641 kamikaze 6 13 10 7
#4642 DOKItequila 6 27 13 21
#4643 Anonymous gamer 6 26 5 20
#4644 siphon 6 5 11 1
#4645 jda1606 6 15 11 9
#4646 Numero Uno Itto 6 19 14 13
#4647 DavidJoe9799 6 2 1 4
#4648 ZT3XGGWP 6 18 9 12
#4649 PEEP2.0 6 21 9 15
#4650 drrdfdddd122 6 4 3 2
#4651 dmybed 6 25 13 19
#4652 BrewskiK 6 81 21 75
#4653 3042166266 6 37 9 31
#4654 rskipp86 6 9 11 3
#4655 burger 6 13 5 7
#4656 gonza1989rc 6 25 9 19
#4657 Demonsstudent 6 9 3 3
#4658 azzamaka093 6 6 3 0
#4659 scar-diego 6 4 3 2
#4660 Rambo 6 12 11 6
#4661 denys 6 21 10 15
#4662 Paxispaxingyou 5 15 7 10
#4663 dev rev 5 13 8 8
#4664 DergoFloof 5 13 10 8
#4665 mextd1 5 10 5 5
#4666 Footballplayer24 5 9 10 4
#4667 AK 5 12 6 7
#4668 The Bull City 5 12 4 7
#4669 Bongus 5 15 9 10
#4670 Mello 5 11 6 6
#4671 ClashRoyalTyp 5 17 5 12
#4672 razorsharpninja 5 7 5 2
#4673 B05- 5 20 3 15
#4674 jggdwon 5 34 11 29
#4675 Thunder 5 13 6 8
#4676 kek01 5 10 7 5
#4677 showg4450 5 8 7 3
#4678 pittzburg 5 4 2 1
#4679 MONKEYBOI 5 20 9 15
#4680 CozmoVR 5 3 2 2
#4681 jesse72208 5 5 2 0
#4682 baursandin 5 7 3 2
#4683 butane rain 5 6 10 1
#4684 crafty 5 12 12 7
#4685 SapportTheBard 5 8 5 3
#4686 Zarik 5 8 6 3
#4687 pvintless 5 3 1 2
#4688 REDXG 5 10 6 5
#4689 Toriiwa 5 12 2 7
#4690 gam3.center4 5 4 5 1
#4691 matiasmacielrojas 5 7 1 2
#4692 KONG 5 1 2 4
#4693 HaiTai 5 12 5 7
#4694 skaidri5766 5 5 8 0
#4695 zerofangz 5 8 6 3
#4696 TheOrange 5 2 4 3
#4697 dsthepwner 5 9 2 4
#4698 Anonymous gamer 5 21 18 16
#4699 MaybeVenom 5 16 5 11