Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#4800 Torpeko 5 11 5 6
#4801 Isur 5 4 4 1
#4802 Bewu 5 7 3 2
#4803 Aksel 5 25 13 20
#4804 Nikolay 5 9 2 4
#4805 mykl1022 5 16 9 11
#4806 Benyamin 5 31 12 26
#4807 happy go lucky josh 5 12 10 7
#4808 Cpl dumo 5 12 8 7
#4809 Mr.Xavier 5 11 8 6
#4810 Lynx Snipe 5 16 1 11
#4811 STALKER 5 9 4 4
#4812 Cyb3rGW[HuN] 5 10 6 5
#4813 JemEye 5 5 2 0
#4814 DrewskiWooski 5 8 7 3
#4815 Graphite 5 1 1 4
#4816 SHAW 5 6 7 1
#4817 larrynachos 5 11 5 6
#4818 Jebediah Ooga Booga Bush 5 4 5 1
#4819 bensword 5 8 4 3
#4820 SlapHappyCrappy 5 7 6 2
#4821 Ellis 5 27 11 22
#4822 The Witness 5 10 4 5
#4823 Kokeda 5 14 9 9
#4824 pallemand 5 13 5 8
#4825 Jay 5 17 6 12
#4826 zeddmp4 5 5 2 0
#4827 Bandage OJ 5 9 1 4
#4828 Sojournercntl 5 14 3 9
#4829 PandaSko 5 6 8 1
#4830 QUACK QUACK 5 2 3 3
#4831 Nomad 5 14 5 9
#4832 Nick 5 22 8 17
#4833 Hades 5 11 6 6
#4834 Malekiah 5 10 11 5
#4835 Hoopsure 5 18 11 13
#4836 Foxpaw474 5 40 18 35
#4837 the mailman 5 12 8 7
#4838 Api 5 3 3 2
#4839 Gustav Schmidt 5 7 7 2
#4840 Kronerk 5 21 9 16
#4841 LilHorse 5 5 1 0
#4842 HAMMONDYouidiot 5 17 11 12
#4843 PJ Pug-A-Pillar 5 29 9 24
#4844 Z1mM 5 5 2 0
#4845 TedKennedyHD 5 4 1 1
#4846 papapapapa 5 15 13 10
#4847 Epsilon 5 5 4 0
#4848 Lich Queen 5 9 5 4
#4849 Bannibal Huress 5 11 5 6
#4850 4CHUL 5 6 2 1
#4851 REDiska 5 25 14 20
#4852 Anonymous gamer 5 9 4 4
#4853 Dr.Smith 5 4 1 1
#4854 SWGamer[FTS] 5 15 2 10
#4855 AmericasAss 5 14 8 9
#4856 TheBabyCactus 5 10 6 5
#4857 Graxnf 5 5 4 0
#4858 Spooky 5 7 6 2
#4859 ElDirtBag 5 11 7 6
#4860 Jim 5 11 8 6
#4861 Burnt Coffee 5 11 9 6
#4862 Vice 5 14 7 9
#4863 SHHAUCEY GAMING 5 16 8 11
#4864 Anonymous gamer 5 18 8 13
#4865 Anonymous gamer 5 19 5 14
#4866 When is Tactical Steve incoming 5 3 2 2
#4867 Anonymous gamer 5 14 3 9
#4868 .Time 5 9 3 4
#4869 Anonymous gamer 5 19 10 14
#4870 T I G G Y UK 5 10 9 5
#4871 Jincey 5 22 7 17
#4872 Ooga 5 10 5 5
#4873 Dreams 5 16 5 11
#4874 Remover 5 17 14 12
#4875 dwarf hunter surprise duelist 5 11 7 6
#4876 DannyMz 5 3 4 2
#4877 Bundy Rattlesnake 5 18 14 13
#4878 Kinglive 5 17 7 12
#4879 Lil Cocas Uzumaki 5 16 3 11
#4880 Bread 5 5 7 0
#4881 itzzAnDo 5 14 7 9
#4882 hore 5 18 12 13
#4883 Wile E Peyote 5 9 4 4
#4884 Skylord711 5 13 9 8
#4885 EYEagle 5 6 2 1
#4886 Luckles 5 19 15 14
#4887 Jackal 5 4 1 1
#4888 YoBavovna 5 9 7 4
#4889 Knuf 5 7 6 2
#4890 DanDarein 5 15 4 10
#4891 FlamingPhoenixX 5 12 10 7
#4892 Cyranodb the Second 5 9 6 4
#4893 Turd Blaster 3000 5 25 8 20
#4894 Hengcredible 5 7 5 2
#4895 Mexifry 5 30 6 25
#4896 Dressed to Depress 5 10 3 5
#4897 DTrip9 5 2 1 3
#4898 adm 5 11 10 6
#4899 XDasdXD 5 7 5 2