Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#5000 Le 5 13 4 8
#5001 BRNKrk 5 13 6 8
#5002 AdemP 5 9 8 4
#5003 f1ps 5 10 8 5
#5004 Shinigami Asashin 5 15 11 10
#5005 Cienki Kamil 5 9 7 4
#5006 Renegade 5 6 6 1
#5007 Anonymous gamer 5 19 8 14
#5008 Anonymous gamer 5 28 15 23
#5009 Gren 5 8 10 3
#5010 MeltedToast 5 6 5 1
#5011 bioliphobia 5 12 4 7
#5012 Ryle Kittenhouse 5 3 5 2
#5013 diddler 5 4 3 1
#5014 Ookami 5 29 19 24
#5015 MORE MEMES MAN 5 6 4 1
#5016 PrinceZuzu09 5 9 5 4
#5017 Moss 5 37 14 32
#5018 KREATRON 5 11 7 6
#5019 ReRaCa 5 4 3 1
#5020 Wolf 5 5 4 0
#5021 Neon Unlimited 5 5 6 0
#5022 Eclipse 5 10 8 5
#5023 Jamesbomb17 5 11 7 6
#5024 Anonymous gamer 5 21 10 16
#5025 d0x1cat3d 5 10 9 5
#5026 Anonymous gamer 5 6 3 1
#5027 no-u 5 11 3 6
#5028 JackAttack 5 11 7 6
#5029 CoolGuy95 5 7 2 2
#5030 heisenberg 5 8 2 3
#5031 Dmilli2 5 6 2 1
#5032 lovelasvegas 5 45 23 40
#5033 Viper 5 11 9 6
#5034 Oof 5 14 11 9
#5035 backhell337 5 13 8 8
#5036 VR PC 8 5 6 3 1
#5037 jacobfroelich50 5 8 5 3
#5038 Cat 5 3 1 2
#5039 cabinetboy 5 10 5 5
#5040 PastGuide 5 11 6 6
#5041 Pingu 5 7 6 2
#5042 TChiccen 5 10 9 5
#5043 DogWillHunt499 5 12 10 7
#5044 TiniestWallLXIX 5 8 5 3
#5045 CUMpot 5 7 5 2
#5046 xyahsvr 5 10 3 5
#5047 Chif 5 17 20 12
#5048 Uncle Cheech 5 6 2 1
#5049 Krille 5 4 4 1
#5050 Blxfroxt 5 17 5 12
#5051 PapaBreezy 5 10 7 5
#5052 Autisroo 5 18 3 13
#5053 B-laro 5 5 4 0
#5054 ItsLeDon Trading 4 9 9 5
#5055 Mad Max 4 4 7 0
#5056 kirl 4 15 5 11
#5057 Zorpulon 4 17 14 13
#5058 crabkiller95 4 6 1 2
#5059 White 4 3 4 1
#5060 Time Snatcher 4 15 6 11
#5061 DevDog13 4 9 4 5
#5062 Anonymous gamer 4 8 3 4
#5063 Nocturnal Viper 4 10 2 6
#5064 Navarrexjp 4 6 8 2
#5065 dddpppbbb 4 16 8 12
#5066 evo720402 4 17 9 13
#5067 MagnumContent Blocked 4 4 3 0
#5068 Rotunda 4 9 4 5
#5069 colinator 4 13 6 9
#5070 nyx 4 4 3 0
#5071 Eugenics Enthusiast 4 12 4 8
#5072 Tu tio el trapero 4 8 6 4
#5073 BaconBitz 4 5 3 1
#5074 John1301 4 19 8 15
#5075 salty 4 11 5 7
#5076 Austin22132 4 16 9 12
#5077 SoapyonRopey 4 2 2 2
#5078 Idiot Sandwich 4 11 2 7
#5079 Deviantry 4 13 11 9
#5080 Anonymous gamer 4 6 4 2
#5081 Rays 4 6 7 2
#5082 Pumaa 4 14 10 10
#5083 Neko-paja 4 8 6 4
#5084 HundredProof 4 6 2 2
#5085 Anonymous gamer 4 9 4 5
#5086 popstopdash 4 13 8 9
#5087 LX 4 10 4 6
#5088 itwaky 4 6 2 2
#5089 Heaterz 4 8 5 4
#5090 Deoxys Normal 4 6 4 2
#5091 Anonymous gamer 4 12 2 8
#5092 Rhys 4 3 1 1
#5093 Aple Sauce 4 8 6 4
#5094 Itachi 4 5 8 1
#5095 BlasterPro 4 19 15 15
#5096 President Bush 4 16 8 12
#5097 Rick Sanchezz 4 8 4 4
#5098 Weeb 4 11 3 7
#5099 Anonymous gamer 4 12 1 8