Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#5800 Swagumi 3 11 13 8
#5801 luckydude262 3 10 4 7
#5802 Topfix 3 20 11 17
#5803 remi1996 3 5 2 2
#5804 Tom Sellecks Mustache 3 5 3 2
#5805 Gabetatoe 3 7 3 4
#5806 milkom 3 10 9 7
#5807 SkidMcPongs 3 5 1 2
#5808 Birdie 3 2 4 1
#5809 BobCortes 3 10 3 7
#5810 Spooky Scoobz 3 3 1 0
#5811 Sneed 3 5 3 2
#5812 found you 3 8 3 5
#5813 MaxOne 3 13 8 10
#5814 Anonymous gamer 3 11 8 8
#5815 TheSlackerKing 3 1 1 2
#5816 TDREX 3 3 2 0
#5817 PUNJAB 1984 3 11 5 8
#5818 The Law 3 6 4 3
#5819 Anonymous gamer 3 5 7 2
#5820 Reggie 3 3 1 0
#5821 Anonymous gamer 3 9 1 6
#5822 FerretGoat 3 6 7 3
#5823 Anu 3 14 8 11
#5824 Yuri 3 8 3 5
#5825 Dingus 3 3 1 0
#5826 Never Surrender 3 3 1 0
#5827 Fein 3 5 3 2
#5828 lemonytang 3 5 2 2
#5829 Uber 3 5 3 2
#5830 AtxPw3RNL 3 8 8 5
#5831 Ronkly 3 7 1 4
#5832 anlaky 4 u 3 5 5 2
#5833 Cumrad Squidward 3 28 16 25
#5834 Ion 3 7 2 4
#5835 Broken Yolk 3 10 6 7
#5836 dilbert 3 16 5 13
#5837 ZackSkater.exe 3 6 3 3
#5838 ghetto fuuka 3 13 7 10
#5839 Nikita1201 3 29 13 26
#5840 DARKJEEP FR US 3 3 1 0
#5841 Xela 3 5 4 2
#5842 I like chickens 3 7 4 4
#5843 Veers 3 5 4 2
#5844 bape jet 3 11 2 8
#5845 Spiritx 3 11 7 8
#5846 Squirtward 3 7 2 4
#5847 sponge 3 14 6 11
#5848 FARM00R 3 2 1 1
#5849 FamousInvisible 3 1 5 2
#5850 totally nuts 3 10 3 7
#5851 Meddy 3 15 9 12
#5852 Jasper the Great 3 3 2 0
#5853 PVRPLE 3 3 3 0
#5854 ScottSpeelt 3 3 1 0
#5855 Simpi3001 CZ 3 30 8 27
#5856 [HANTER] MAPATOK 3 5 4 2
#5857 Nivium321 3 7 5 4
#5858 Tempest 3 11 5 8
#5859 totaholic 3 5 4 2
#5860 Sir Chip14 3 15 7 12
#5861 SuniAdam 3 6 3 3
#5862 Mobilebean 3 19 10 16
#5863 Krombopulos Mike 3 22 8 19
#5864 byzente 3 13 5 10
#5865 bnciuh847t1ihajdsa 3 6 2 3
#5866 leach 3 24 20 21
#5867 ArRYpOtTaRd 3 8 2 5
#5868 XoM9I4oKMyTaHT 3 5 4 2
#5869 Mayo 3 6 3 3
#5870 ynMi 3 10 3 7
#5871 Anonymous gamer 3 1 1 2
#5872 velvetywolf 3 6 2 3
#5873 Origniti 3 8 2 5
#5874 Ya allah sho tayeb 3 15 8 12
#5875 lane 3 8 7 5
#5876 Imbiama Bones 3 10 1 7
#5877 B-RadOG 3 9 5 6
#5878 PaRaBoLiCa 3 5 5 2
#5879 Literally Garbage 3 10 6 7
#5880 mesi. 3 7 3 4
#5881 LilMonkeyG 3 8 4 5
#5882 PonchoNilla 3 8 5 5
#5883 George W. 3 12 6 9
#5884 Pixelrosa 3 20 3 17
#5885 Jonah Lazer 3 10 9 7
#5886 Waluinee 3 11 8 8
#5887 Glebs 3 10 4 7
#5888 steadyslumped 3 12 3 9
#5889 Ferrikusu 3 3 2 0
#5890 Slatenew Ameo 3 15 10 12
#5891 ronb1066 3 13 4 10
#5892 GAMERDOG 3 21 7 18
#5893 05-1 that guy 3 4 3 1
#5894 Joey Karate 3 17 11 14
#5895 zyloxdev 3 6 2 3
#5896 Hacker man 3 24 6 21
#5897 fat snork 3 6 7 3
#5898 ComicSans09 3 4 2 1
#5899 SKS tijuana 3 5 1 2