Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points #6100 Meffrey Blepstein 3 8 1 5 #6101 Anonymous gamer 3 8 3 5 #6102 elej8a0b 3 6 1 3 #6103 azalfuzy 3 9 5 6 #6104 BVVD 3 8 6 5 #6105 Matthew Ball 3 11 9 8 #6106 ikzbrh 3 10 3 7 #6107 Flemming Corneleius 3 4 5 1 #6108 microbublikc3412 3 17 6 14 #6109 M K 3 1 1 2 #6110 Erectus 3 4 3 1 #6111 Anonymous gamer 3 8 5 5 #6112 ccole29 3 8 5 5 #6113 Joefather 3 4 1 1 #6114 PORT-VR 4 3 4 2 1 #6115 vnerealsheglovo1 3 10 6 7 #6116 volyanscky 3 41 12 38 #6117 Bandit 2 8 9 6 #6118 DemonSlothTV Drop.Skin 2 5 4 3 #6119 Psyxsees 2 3 2 1 #6120 BeardedZaddy 2 19 6 17 #6121 formula.evo099 2 8 1 6 #6122 GlassOmilk 2 12 2 10 #6123 fausto1005 2 7 1 5 #6124 giovanni.gutierrez001 2 6 1 4 #6125 nashnoel24 2 10 2 8 #6126 Kasperdensmukke 2 8 8 6 #6127 omegalul5523 2 2 1 0 #6128 WhoDatOverDere 2 2 2 0 #6129 coyote761 2 12 9 10 #6130 Rise and Swine 2 12 6 10 #6131 zaza 2 5 3 3 #6132 DeadlyMouse 2 12 3 10 #6133 krivundelis 2 10 3 8 #6134 BAITAA 2 10 6 8 #6135 Pillsbury Frankledorf 2 13 2 11 #6136 andrew.wertz 2 5 1 3 #6137 GooseBumpin 2 6 6 4 #6138 Bees 2 14 9 12 #6139 GekkeDAB21 2 2 2 0 #6140 javachipkue 2 6 3 4 #6141 couchgaming4 2 3 3 1 #6142 seizure salad 2 7 4 5 #6143 yankelander 2 5 1 3 #6144 Viggeoggo 2 4 1 2 #6145 Billewong 2 4 6 2 #6146 NICKAWNAW 2 9 5 7 #6147 oarmanimtzt 2 18 12 16 #6148 YerfDooga 2 13 2 11 #6149 name 2 2 1 0 #6150 kalminreig 2 5 1 3 #6151 macaroni 2 3 1 1 #6152 chip i 3 2 5 4 3 #6153 globglob glabglab 2 2 1 0 #6154 its sooper 2 2 1 0 #6155 Kaylamari6520 2 8 1 6 #6156 Wikipedia the free encyclopedia 2 10 3 8 #6157 Jeremy 2 15 7 13 #6158 tjgriffin2012 2 10 1 8 #6159 Kerson 2 11 9 9 #6160 ba226x 2 8 3 6 #6161 lispelpolizei 2 7 5 5 #6162 Diego] 2 1 1 1 #6163 BlueCheeseEater 2 13 5 11 #6164 pottsonbanana 2 2 1 0 #6165 Anonymous gamer 2 12 6 10 #6166 MouseyTheCheese 2 14 6 12 #6167 potato 2 3 2 1 #6168 YeahMAN 2 11 2 9 #6169 DYDaKunKun 2 5 2 3 #6170 ensy 2 1 1 1 #6171 GirvsTV 2 6 4 4 #6172 SapnuuuTTV 2 17 8 15 #6173 Asian Stallion 2 5 3 3 #6174 theprokwwgamer 2 4 1 2 #6175 ikn153 2 3 1 1 #6176 Momentuds 2 8 5 6 #6177 Anonymous gamer 2 8 3 6 #6178 chmonya3 2 3 1 1 #6179 Lama with Weed 2 12 6 10 #6180 H4rvey 2 10 2 8 #6181 Giuseppe 2 1 3 1 #6182 quQini 2 6 3 4 #6183 JUSTJAYYY13 2 9 5 7 #6184 arenavrvld2 2 9 4 7 #6185 sluv0 2 5 5 3 #6186 FaKeYoUnG 2 5 2 3 #6187 Anonymous gamer 2 9 5 7 #6188 SunletFAILS 2 4 2 2 #6189 Sandrone212 2 3 2 1 #6190 Zona 3 2 5 2 3 #6191 AlbertEinsteinder3 2 3 4 1 #6192 puil0k 2 3 3 1 #6193 yolomcswagger81 2 16 7 14 #6194 IHC392 2 6 5 4 #6195 BOOM 2 2 1 0 #6196 ATG 2 10 4 8 #6197 nationalbrush 2 5 5 3 #6198 HreatCenter 2 9 3 7 #6199 Sunsi 2 22 4 20