Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#6100 Meffrey Blepstein 3 8 1 5
#6101 Anonymous gamer 3 8 3 5
#6102 elej8a0b 3 6 1 3
#6103 azalfuzy 3 9 5 6
#6104 BVVD 3 8 6 5
#6105 Matthew Ball 3 11 9 8
#6106 ikzbrh 3 10 3 7
#6107 Flemming Corneleius 3 4 5 1
#6108 microbublikc3412 3 17 6 14
#6109 M K 3 1 1 2
#6110 Erectus 3 4 3 1
#6111 Anonymous gamer 3 8 5 5
#6112 ccole29 3 8 5 5
#6113 Joefather 3 4 1 1
#6114 PORT-VR 4 3 4 2 1
#6115 vnerealsheglovo1 3 10 6 7
#6116 volyanscky 3 41 12 38
#6117 Bandit 2 8 9 6
#6118 DemonSlothTV Drop.Skin 2 5 4 3
#6119 Psyxsees 2 3 2 1
#6120 BeardedZaddy 2 19 6 17
#6121 formula.evo099 2 8 1 6
#6122 GlassOmilk 2 12 2 10
#6123 fausto1005 2 7 1 5
#6124 giovanni.gutierrez001 2 6 1 4
#6125 nashnoel24 2 10 2 8
#6126 Kasperdensmukke 2 8 8 6
#6127 omegalul5523 2 2 1 0
#6128 WhoDatOverDere 2 2 2 0
#6129 coyote761 2 12 9 10
#6130 Rise and Swine 2 12 6 10
#6131 zaza 2 5 3 3
#6132 DeadlyMouse 2 12 3 10
#6133 krivundelis 2 10 3 8
#6134 BAITAA 2 10 6 8
#6135 Pillsbury Frankledorf 2 13 2 11
#6136 andrew.wertz 2 5 1 3
#6137 GooseBumpin 2 6 6 4
#6138 Bees 2 14 9 12
#6139 GekkeDAB21 2 2 2 0
#6140 javachipkue 2 6 3 4
#6141 couchgaming4 2 3 3 1
#6142 seizure salad 2 7 4 5
#6143 yankelander 2 5 1 3
#6144 Viggeoggo 2 4 1 2
#6145 Billewong 2 4 6 2
#6146 NICKAWNAW 2 9 5 7
#6147 oarmanimtzt 2 18 12 16
#6148 YerfDooga 2 13 2 11
#6149 name 2 2 1 0
#6150 kalminreig 2 5 1 3
#6151 macaroni 2 3 1 1
#6152 chip i 3 2 5 4 3
#6153 globglob glabglab 2 2 1 0
#6154 its sooper 2 2 1 0
#6155 Kaylamari6520 2 8 1 6
#6156 Wikipedia the free encyclopedia 2 10 3 8
#6157 Jeremy 2 15 7 13
#6158 tjgriffin2012 2 10 1 8
#6159 Kerson 2 11 9 9
#6160 ba226x 2 8 3 6
#6161 lispelpolizei 2 7 5 5
#6162 Diego] 2 1 1 1
#6163 BlueCheeseEater 2 13 5 11
#6164 pottsonbanana 2 2 1 0
#6165 Anonymous gamer 2 12 6 10
#6166 MouseyTheCheese 2 14 6 12
#6167 potato 2 3 2 1
#6168 YeahMAN 2 11 2 9
#6169 DYDaKunKun 2 5 2 3
#6170 ensy 2 1 1 1
#6171 GirvsTV 2 6 4 4
#6172 SapnuuuTTV 2 17 8 15
#6173 Asian Stallion 2 5 3 3
#6174 theprokwwgamer 2 4 1 2
#6175 ikn153 2 3 1 1
#6176 Momentuds 2 8 5 6
#6177 Anonymous gamer 2 8 3 6
#6178 chmonya3 2 3 1 1
#6179 Lama with Weed 2 12 6 10
#6180 H4rvey 2 10 2 8
#6181 Giuseppe 2 1 3 1
#6182 quQini 2 6 3 4
#6183 JUSTJAYYY13 2 9 5 7
#6184 arenavrvld2 2 9 4 7
#6185 sluv0 2 5 5 3
#6186 FaKeYoUnG 2 5 2 3
#6187 Anonymous gamer 2 9 5 7
#6188 SunletFAILS 2 4 2 2
#6189 Sandrone212 2 3 2 1
#6190 Zona 3 2 5 2 3
#6191 AlbertEinsteinder3 2 3 4 1
#6192 puil0k 2 3 3 1
#6193 yolomcswagger81 2 16 7 14
#6194 IHC392 2 6 5 4
#6195 BOOM 2 2 1 0
#6196 ATG 2 10 4 8
#6197 nationalbrush 2 5 5 3
#6198 HreatCenter 2 9 3 7
#6199 Sunsi 2 22 4 20