Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#6300 Kanye West 2 10 2 8
#6301 ViriatusRex 2 6 5 4
#6302 seeing1 2 13 6 11
#6303 FeastyOwlEggs 2 12 6 10
#6304 SkildNinja 2 10 8 8
#6305 TurboCat 2 4 1 2
#6306 MrSlothBoy 2 12 10 10
#6307 Booster Sid 2 3 2 1
#6308 steeb 2 5 6 3
#6309 Jack-Vlie 2 8 4 6
#6310 BABKADUSKA 2 5 1 3
#6311 CaitThe 2 8 8 6
#6312 cak13201 2 11 4 9
#6313 Buckler 2 6 3 4
#6314 Severekid 2 8 2 6
#6315 Anonymous gamer 2 6 2 4
#6316 Gamer 2 3 5 1
#6317 John Joe McGirl 2 5 6 3
#6318 Troublemaker 2 2 4 0
#6319 Josh B 2 17 6 15
#6320 da vinci 2 7 3 5
#6321 gehstur 2 8 3 6
#6322 rejz123 2 7 4 5
#6323 Spook 2 8 6 6
#6324 MrWizardlyLoaf 2 2 2 0
#6325 GnomeSaiyan 2 7 3 5
#6326 1200 2 16 6 14
#6327 Vamberfield 2 4 2 2
#6328 JayBird 2 4 4 2
#6329 Pyuma 2 2 3 0
#6330 Bad Egg 2 8 5 6
#6331 STE3N 2 5 2 3
#6332 Tactical Doggo 2 9 3 7
#6333 JohnDo 2 6 6 4
#6334 Box Man 2 7 2 5
#6335 SadPotato 2 11 8 9
#6336 Anonymous gamer 2 5 5 3
#6337 sick blaze 2 4 2 2
#6338 Tjomper00 2 11 5 9
#6339 The Observer 2 7 4 5
#6340 Anonymous gamer 2 4 2 2
#6341 Uncle Poot 2 6 1 4
#6342 Acmonor 2 7 9 5
#6343 GreatGoldenBaby 2 6 3 4
#6344 Flick 2 12 8 10
#6345 Billgamesh 2 4 1 2
#6346 mr clean 2 7 3 5
#6347 SpaceInvader 2 5 1 3
#6348 4dam 2 8 8 6
#6349 Ditto 2 8 5 6
#6350 kvar met 2 6 2 4
#6351 Dio 2 3 1 1
#6352 Eia 2 6 1 4
#6353 Babeb 2 18 8 16
#6354 siggo 2 12 12 10
#6355 LegionsForge 2 5 3 3
#6356 Anonymous gamer 2 11 2 9
#6357 Tommytank 2 2 3 0
#6358 Dark0Knight 2 8 5 6
#6359 ssNightShadow 2 4 2 2
#6360 Essea Zanza 2 3 1 1
#6361 Beliok 2 2 2 0
#6362 DockingPlatform06 2 2 2 0
#6363 Im Fabulous 2 3 4 1
#6364 Yuri 2 1 1 1
#6365 MR.FOX 2 7 9 5
#6366 Phazen 2 3 1 1
#6367 Webdiver 2 1 2 1
#6368 stone 2 6 3 4
#6369 John Cave 2 8 5 6
#6370 Senior Potato 2 6 2 4
#6371 Dwell 2 2 1 0
#6372 Serega2005Ru 2 2 1 0
#6373 Tanner 2 1 1 1
#6374 ForeignPigeonHD 2 6 7 4
#6375 Cody 2 3 2 1
#6376 okem 2 2 2 0
#6377 Bambsu 2 9 4 7
#6378 Ma Long 2 9 7 7
#6379 Devilish 2 3 1 1
#6380 MrAnderson 2 3 1 1
#6381 Zeiburg 2 3 1 1
#6382 blakcpanda 2 6 4 4
#6383 wallop 2 4 5 2
#6384 Diglet 2 7 5 5
#6385 Davussy 2 3 1 1
#6386 snooose 2 11 4 9
#6387 BlueRareSteak 2 7 8 5
#6388 Ache 2 18 11 16
#6389 KoolAidCannibal 2 2 1 0
#6390 Leoformes 2 6 7 4
#6391 Redempti0n 2 13 7 11
#6392 sierra334 2 12 7 10
#6393 Anonymous gamer 2 10 5 8
#6394 TheChronicConnoisseur 2 3 1 1
#6395 Sputz 2 3 1 1
#6396 joaoxereco 2 8 8 6
#6397 Pilgrim 2 7 7 5
#6398 BF-340 2 8 2 6
#6399 2nd AD Ephirit 2 4 1 2