Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#7100 Yugure 1 3 4 2
#7101 Anonymous gamer 1 4 5 3
#7102 Nik von der Goetia 1 3 1 2
#7103 Mythic 1 13 6 12
#7104 GoatMan 1 5 3 4
#7105 Hycel J 1 6 3 5
#7106 cum 1 3 3 2
#7107 Antichrist 1 4 2 3
#7108 rustyHonda 1 4 4 3
#7109 xzProDiiGy 1 10 1 9
#7110 xSpartan74x 1 18 6 17
#7111 big booty latina 1 17 5 16
#7112 Oiman 1 3 2 2
#7113 Neutron 1 12 2 11
#7114 Peshuligan 1 13 4 12
#7115 Sly 1 2 4 1
#7116 Med1zen 1 2 2 1
#7117 halfredmusz 1 6 3 5
#7118 Warxander 1 8 5 7
#7119 YourD3athW1sh 1 3 2 2
#7120 hotpoops23 1 2 1 1
#7121 Rocky 1 4 1 3
#7122 Magiro 1 5 8 4
#7123 se 1 4 2 3
#7124 Midnight 1 12 1 11
#7125 Vekz 1 2 1 1
#7126 Majestic Fries 1 5 4 4
#7127 IT5 WoLFiE 1 9 1 8
#7128 Shiny Bald 1 8 1 7
#7129 Jackal 1 2 1 1
#7130 DEFCON 1 3 1 2
#7131 The Funny Man 1 2 1 1
#7132 TrashBoat 1 7 6 6
#7133 Anonymous gamer 1 4 2 3
#7134 ianm3114 1 6 5 5
#7135 Cheez-it 1 8 3 7
#7136 GG Allin 1 5 4 4
#7137 Shawn 1 8 5 7
#7138 JavaMaster 1 1 1 0
#7139 bonk distributor 1 6 1 5
#7140 RDMyuri 1 11 6 10
#7141 Diver 1 9 2 8
#7142 caskd 1 3 1 2
#7143 Napkins 1 4 2 3
#7144 Reegsie 1 6 5 5
#7145 Polybius 1 4 3 3
#7146 joe roach 1 4 1 3
#7147 Anonymous gamer 1 7 5 6
#7148 Staxolotl 1 1 1 0
#7149 dellomando 1 8 4 7
#7150 Juish 1 2 1 1
#7151 ItsVipers 1 4 2 3
#7152 Bovid Roach 1 5 2 4
#7153 SherHunter 1 1 1 0
#7154 Sensenmann 1 8 3 7
#7155 SwopTheMop 1 5 3 4
#7156 Floofi Boi 1 5 1 4
#7157 Cios 1 5 3 4
#7158 mastodonte MENTE MAESTRA 1 5 1 4
#7159 Your Neighborhood Takata Airbag 1 2 1 1
#7160 Anonymous gamer 1 1 1 0
#7161 DDIce 1 6 1 5
#7162 Guy fieri 1 3 2 2
#7163 [C5] LethalZR-1 1 5 2 4
#7164 Ded 1 4 1 3
#7165 SPeccil Forsees 1 5 1 4
#7166 Dillon Majillon 1 1 2 0
#7167 Democratic Republic of Congo 1 4 2 3
#7168 guapstar 1 12 5 11
#7169 Cliff 1 1 3 0
#7170 Idol22 1 6 4 5
#7171 FaZeHeroinKeith 1 9 2 8
#7172 Josh 1 5 5 4
#7173 Luck 1 2 3 1
#7174 Jitzwaz Gumlord 1 7 1 6
#7175 Geospain 1 3 3 2
#7176 Shark Joe 1 5 1 4
#7177 MaxiMushiMushi of Skaro 1 27 7 26
#7178 DareDeaval522 1 4 3 3
#7179 vandie61[WG] 1 5 3 4
#7180 Shpeltnik 1 2 1 1
#7181 Lithium18650 1 6 3 5
#7182 uwwchad11 1 6 1 5
#7183 Pnowy11 1 2 1 1
#7184 HellYes GG 1 12 6 11
#7185 ButtCrackBill 1 17 7 16
#7186 Elon Marx 1 9 1 8
#7187 seruyTTVsem 1 3 1 2
#7188 Chirp 1 2 1 1
#7189 greydog 1 2 1 1
#7190 HoNo135 1 5 1 4
#7191 LORDMUZI 1 4 1 3
#7192 Cjbloom 1 2 2 1
#7193 Anonymous gamer 1 4 4 3
#7194 ArrozConLeche 1 1 2 0
#7195 Emerald Beats 1 3 1 2
#7196 Dead By Default 1 1 1 0
#7197 kingmarg 1 12 6 11
#7198 QH 1 4 1 3
#7199 jamesaviii 1 3 2 2