Leader Board

This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

If for some reason you have a small monitor you might not see the KDP (Kills, Death, Points). You can correct this issue by scaling the browser width down to view the KDP.

SND Top 100 gamers

If you reach the top one hundred gamers in Vrmassive SND lobby you will receive a clown skin. This includes top 100 in points.

Leader Board Created By
Massive & Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 7489

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#900 LazerBlazer 78 169 131 91
#901 XeusFlax 78 150 83 72
#902 Donut 78 73 45 5
#903 iCONS0 78 222 128 144
#904 Huckleberry 77 145 110 68
#905 qpVqpVqpVqpVqp 77 91 64 14
#906 caiji 77 110 67 33
#907 butterflyluv 77 98 100 21
#908 SirTrapALot 77 133 86 56
#909 Samuel 77 52 69 25
#910 Solourus 77 99 45 22
#911 Hey guys 77 60 50 17
#912 Mars 77 142 109 65
#913 Ellis 77 90 57 13
#914 Hakana 77 77 66 0
#915 Amnesia 77 95 54 18
#916 lennon.fletcher1 76 116 79 40
#917 oddhead 76 201 103 125
#918 Don Autismo 76 73 57 3
#919 mp9 76 163 94 87
#920 Saron 76 196 116 120
#921 Scyntrian 75 37 43 38
#922 DropBear 75 134 63 59
#923 Koko the Dragon 75 164 73 89
#924 Plaguedoctor[Valk] 75 76 61 1
#925 Rose 75 21 16 54
#926 Mera 75 22 18 53
#927 bendevnull 75 99 67 24
#928 Quantum Blueberry 74 116 74 42
#929 BeaBea 74 77 49 3
#930 spie0018 74 108 53 34
#931 earthlyjamo 74 154 119 80
#932 GonJA 74 58 38 16
#933 Plumpie22 74 85 72 11
#934 Doctor Cpu 74 53 38 21
#935 russ t sprinkler 74 34 31 40
#936 ice4ed 74 76 49 2
#937 Chuckskull 74 120 81 46
#938 Lobsters WHOA 73 155 93 82
#939 VainGloryBe 73 77 70 4
#940 RED 73 52 53 21
#941 Hu-Chuleejc01 73 81 40 8
#942 Arlindo VR 73 178 102 105
#943 Tacticaldesu 73 134 88 61
#944 Starfox68 73 73 54 0
#945 Captain Winter 73 121 112 48
#946 EmmieMcD 72 36 18 36
#947 Swishasweetrold 72 18 14 54
#948 SnasUndertail [ITA] 72 143 114 71
#949 AkaN3 72 127 73 55
#950 Anonymous gamer 72 154 64 82
#951 Dobriy kot 72 61 49 11
#952 VivaLaVida 72 81 54 9
#953 Tatko 72 30 25 42
#954 Electrolux 72 69 53 3
#955 Miao Miao 72 139 104 67
#956 Atery 71 78 45 7
#957 Bob of Boblandia 71 64 54 7
#958 Scrusby 71 103 83 32
#959 Bek101927Kim 71 98 66 27
#960 StarFox 71 172 72 101
#961 Anonymous gamer 71 174 99 103
#962 Pikilcraft 71 167 99 96
#963 Sekski 71 98 96 27
#964 MianderOrbit 71 113 79 42
#965 Vision 70 17 15 53
#966 Krakens 70 155 60 85
#967 Toto 70 91 47 21
#968 Driver 70 54 35 16
#969 Reaper1-0 70 113 58 43
#970 KilLjiN 70 31 27 39
#971 iamthe4th 70 94 92 24
#972 Nordhalan 69 114 53 45
#973 TyTheHero21 69 123 80 54
#974 raffipro186 69 45 35 24
#975 cloudwave. 69 84 43 15
#976 kylep31 69 201 94 132
#977 landryjnewell 69 85 49 16
#978 T3RRORASSASSIN 69 82 33 13
#979 roy0621 69 172 87 103
#980 Rhainbow 69 81 54 12
#981 moshpit survivalist 69 115 54 46
#982 St1kCC.lalandia 69 155 65 86
#983 Yoshi 69 72 39 3
#984 Arctic 69 70 52 1
#985 Midas 69 106 50 37
#986 HunterARG 69 78 50 9
#987 Ticklish Waffl3 68 98 67 30
#988 KING GOOSE 68 48 39 20
#989 Filthy Casual 68 115 75 47
#990 zhaozhao 68 59 43 9
#991 riddleout 68 133 83 65
#992 Kobium 68 65 51 3
#993 Nova 68 88 73 20
#994 Pulsey 67 43 31 24
#995 no u 67 31 21 36
#996 joelseph 67 71 72 4
#997 ShadeofKinG 67 120 100 53
#998 Jasonface900 67 117 60 50
#999 MeMow 67 120 75 53