This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

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Shack Leader Board

Leader Board Create By
Massive & special thanks to Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 19271

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#13600 SBear 6 5 1 1
#13601 XxX420MisterRipz420XxX, MBA 6 8 13 2
#13602 FLO_RL 6 12 6 6
#13603 Fennekku 6 10 5 4
#13604 ARO 6 15 14 9
#13605 Toasty Meltz 6 3 2 3
#13606 Cplhardcore 6 12 9 6
#13607 Metalkim1372 6 4 7 2
#13608 SwaggyPRainn 6 8 9 2
#13609 Wolfy 6 12 15 6
#13610 Schmupti 6 14 15 8
#13611 LiterallyLevon 6 16 11 10
#13612 TheAutizmoGizmo 6 4 0 2
#13613 vro 6 12 6 6
#13614 Grade A Camper 6 3 6 3
#13615 Content Blockedmaster29 6 20 10 14
#13616 Spit On It Papaw 6 4 10 2
#13617 Anonymous gamer 6 21 15 15
#13618 Box 6 9 12 3
#13619 Maze 6 7 9 1
#13620 Aqueox 6 5 3 1
#13621 lilsleepy 6 4 5 2
#13622 Stewie Poppers 6 6 5 0
#13623 water 6 16 22 10
#13624 AshAwesome 6 4 9 2
#13625 Ryan 6 1 3 5
#13626 Anonymous gamer 6 7 16 1
#13627 Rogue Demon Hunter 6 12 6 6
#13628 Desolation Stone 6 20 10 14
#13629 cryo 6 15 12 9
#13630 Tomaz 6 8 8 2
#13631 Anonymous gamer 6 10 5 4
#13632 Anonymous gamer 6 8 5 2
#13633 stupid idiot 6 9 4 3
#13634 Anonymous gamer 6 14 21 8
#13635 Totally A Doctor 6 9 16 3
#13636 Biochemicals 6 11 10 5
#13637 Acidik 6 5 3 1
#13638 husk7 6 7 5 1
#13639 RocketDude 6 8 9 2
#13640 Dio 6 13 10 7
#13641 Anonymous gamer 6 12 7 6
#13642 Lemon_Nader27 6 6 15 0
#13643 zoo---fox 6 6 4 0
#13644 1646823135 6 8 7 2
#13645 pantz 6 4 7 2
#13646 Frost Fir3 6 19 9 13
#13647 hare_ware 6 11 5 5
#13648 easy cum 6 8 5 2
#13649 KeriorMaloony 6 9 0 3
#13650 Illegal_Muffin 6 9 4 3
#13651 JB 6 3 1 3
#13652 Skabii 6 8 2 2
#13653 KH 6 18 10 12
#13654 Asmallboog 6 3 2 3
#13655 C0SMICPULSAR 6 14 13 8
#13656 TheatreHeathen20 6 7 5 1
#13657 Mer 6 3 3 3
#13658 Zebpepper 6 10 5 4
#13659 imjustsofa 6 25 13 19
#13660 Deathuser 6 6 8 0
#13661 Resness 6 38 25 32
#13662 y0ung8lood 6 5 4 1
#13663 EdChed 6 4 11 2
#13664 Tako-Chan 6 14 8 8
#13665 TaylorFTS 6 12 7 6
#13666 james 6 11 6 5
#13667 Trilligon 6 7 8 1
#13668 Ester 6 3 4 3
#13669 sebitaQ 6 15 11 9
#13670 Your Stepfather 6 15 14 9
#13671 Anonymous gamer 6 4 9 2
#13672 Colt 6 9 12 3
#13673 Melchin 6 17 0 11
#13674 The_Forehead 6 14 10 8
#13675 Kai 6 1 7 5
#13676 Yuki 6 11 11 5
#13677 Bman1108 6 6 6 0
#13678 Incredibly Canny 6 7 10 1
#13679 Geoflame1 6 12 10 6
#13680 hollow rage 6 22 11 16
#13681 sterkio 6 14 14 8
#13682 suicidalferret 6 6 8 0
#13683 D11 6 11 9 5
#13684 BackwardsGuy 6 13 8 7
#13685 6 5 2 1
#13686 HOBBES 6 10 6 4
#13687 JordanPuma 6 4 9 2
#13688 KAM KillJoy 6 27 13 21
#13689 Daar375 6 5 4 1
#13690 SolidFox 6 10 8 4
#13691 BeefCheesy 6 20 18 14
#13692 PIMP-TO-KING 6 5 0 1
#13693 Xenox4024 6 7 2 1
#13694 kadams587 6 4 8 2
#13695 Sparky 6 18 5 12
#13696 RaX 6 7 5 1
#13697 ryder1thenoob 6 9 4 3
#13698 resistence2027 6 18 9 12
#13699 Frankly just Vibin 6 8 2 2