This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

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Shack Leader Board

Leader Board Create By
Massive & special thanks to Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 19271

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#15200 NameSnipe 4 7 4 3
#15201 Cap 4 5 3 1
#15202 EnfantNormal 4 7 1 3
#15203 DesolateMind 4 9 5 5
#15204 Bungle 4 4 8 0
#15205 Hi MaN 4 11 9 7
#15206 The Con Man 4 15 12 11
#15207 EpicBruhMoment 4 8 10 4
#15208 Purple 4 9 1 5
#15209 Skygod47e 4 5 5 1
#15210 MetroMonkie 4 14 8 10
#15211 Joerex 4 5 7 1
#15212 Avdonkin3 4 4 6 0
#15213 B-RagE1564 4 12 5 8
#15214 TheDarkWolf974 4 6 9 2
#15215 VeDaF 4 11 5 7
#15216 gigachad 4 6 6 2
#15217 TheAtomicPotato 4 5 6 1
#15218 The BabaContent Blocked 4 5 3 1
#15219 Syt1ng18 4 10 8 6
#15220 Kykaro 4 4 0 0
#15221 Spongebob Dankpants 4 4 4 0
#15222 [EASY] Call_Me_Forky 4 6 5 2
#15223 Chadly 4 6 4 2
#15224 Chillintelligence 4 15 7 11
#15225 opey2x 4 11 4 7
#15226 Combrad 4 17 14 13
#15227 Sir. Colonize 4 2 5 2
#15228 Sleepy 4 5 8 1
#15229 huh 4 7 9 3
#15230 ogkarpf 4 12 11 8
#15231 FD_GOD 4 3 4 1
#15232 Roadkillgames 4 8 2 4
#15233 FM 4 22 19 18
#15234 Most Palone 4 8 6 4
#15235 Zelaxed 4 5 1 1
#15236 my name is ben :) 4 9 10 5
#15237 Florian 4 12 6 8
#15238 RAMPAGE BANANA OVER 9000 4 14 4 10
#15239 RandomnessX3| 4 6 1 2
#15240 Rcrobodude 4 0 0 4
#15241 OniKitsune 4 14 5 10
#15242 MyManWaffles 4 11 8 7
#15243 poop_nuggy 4 2 1 2
#15244 Anonymous gamer 4 3 6 1
#15245 pogowashere 4 12 3 8
#15246 Kaii 4 3 8 1
#15247 Archer 4 10 6 6
#15248 Mypetstarfish 4 9 3 5
#15249 Dr.Foogle 4 5 0 1
#15250 Tobias F 4 4 6 0
#15251 michaeljr 4 6 4 2
#15252 johnnyappleseed 4 10 4 6
#15253 Lil Kelb 4 7 5 3
#15254 BurntToast_2042 4 0 1 4
#15255 UrNewToiletSeat 4 12 8 8
#15256 RymegS 4 6 3 2
#15257 Dwagon 4 6 4 2
#15258 dsic 4 8 14 4
#15259 GloomyGrizzly 4 11 8 7
#15260 Nightrider 4 8 11 4
#15261 cosmos 4 10 10 6
#15262 Patheoff 4 6 2 2
#15263 Boss_Dog 4 5 5 1
#15264 Mi$Take 4 12 1 8
#15265 BRAIN_JAR 4 5 1 1
#15266 Fallcon 4 5 5 1
#15267 Miguel Alvarez 4 8 1 4
#15268 lynae18 4 5 6 1
#15269 ToxicHoneyBadger 4 24 9 20
#15270 Vaguely Ethnic 4 2 5 2
#15271 Zazukuru 4 9 7 5
#15272 Uncle JoJo 4 7 4 3
#15273 Raxul 4 4 4 0
#15274 Stang 4 7 4 3
#15275 NananaNaina 4 6 1 2
#15276 Johaun 4 8 5 4
#15277 Gloria Borger 4 5 6 1
#15278 Sour-My-Cream 4 8 13 4
#15279 Matchew 4 7 3 3
#15280 APPA 4 3 5 1
#15281 Thats Amoore 4 10 6 6
#15282 Jezify 4 4 2 0
#15283 Vantrix 4 6 3 2
#15284 Cheesy 4 2 3 2
#15285 Ulrzbf 4 8 6 4
#15286 ExecuteOrder66 4 2 3 2
#15287 Nepla 4 4 2 0
#15288 CriticalDMG 4 7 6 3
#15289 jwanderson198 4 5 3 1
#15290 moose 4 6 0 2
#15291 rasta_reid 4 7 7 3
#15292 Poopyhead 4 10 6 6
#15293 Captain-Cruise 4 5 6 1
#15294 Lord Misfit 4 8 9 4
#15295 PerfectFry 4 17 14 13
#15296 Brown 4 6 7 2
#15297 Comrade Kermit 4 9 7 5
#15298 PUPPER 4 11 14 7
#15299 Widowmaker_22 4 11 11 7