This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

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Shack Leader Board

Leader Board Create By
Massive & special thanks to Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 19271

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#16300 4our2wenty 3 1 3 2
#16301 Anonymous gamer 3 8 4 5
#16302 Claygon 3 8 7 5
#16303 That1Drifter 3 9 8 6
#16304 dum dan 3 0 0 3
#16305 Dubna VR 3 3 1 1 2
#16306 Anonymous gamer 3 12 6 9
#16307 nTagil_PortalVR 1 3 16 2 13
#16308 Kao_Natsuu 3 15 10 12
#16309 borderline681 3 11 6 8
#16310 Moegamerpro 3 12 2 9
#16311 wired 3 6 0 3
#16312 Anonymous gamer 3 5 4 2
#16313 FrodoSantana 3 3 10 0
#16314 64chevy2 3 15 0 12
#16315 CleanedRice 3 10 6 7
#16316 boofpackpixel 3 14 11 11
#16317 Unknown Player 3 2 1 1
#16318 greninjolo 3 8 2 5
#16319 RCFlowa 3 6 4 3
#16320 sksmsqudtlsdlek1337 3 11 4 8
#16321 Lalo Salamanca 3 2 2 1
#16322 skyhopper65 3 6 8 3
#16323 Voice_boi1 3 7 1 4
#16324 EveeKing 3 13 7 10
#16325 Chun Qiu-hu ge 3 6 0 3
#16326 NO FRAMES 3 2 2 1
#16327 tomas 3 15 12 12
#16328 Anonymous gamer 3 14 15 11
#16329 WoogtheFarmer 3 23 1 20
#16330 Leat Fingies 3 1 3 2
#16331 Cosmic 3 10 13 7
#16332 maximusbrodigan 3 13 3 10
#16333 masonph1224 3 7 8 4
#16334 UR MOTHER PAVLOV 3 14 5 11
#16335 HabibiRush 3 5 3 2
#16336 zJpegg 3 2 1 1
#16337 Dnnybandz 3 9 4 6
#16338 gzlock 3 8 2 5
#16339 davethekid 3 2 1 1
#16340 Bosmaire 3 5 9 2
#16341 Shiny Lucario 3 11 8 8
#16342 COMMANDER012 3 7 4 4
#16343 Otter 3 7 4 4
#16344 jcbyler 3 4 3 1
#16345 Rafikiii 3 12 4 9
#16346 trop solo 3 3 8 0
#16347 Simon 3 4 5 1
#16348 Perrottzz 3 7 4 4
#16349 pussy 3 2 1 1
#16350 Lil Donny 3 7 1 4
#16351 Drevar 3 9 5 6
#16352 Tri.Beaner 3 11 3 8
#16353 RafterMan 3 3 2 0
#16354 Anonymous gamer 3 9 2 6
#16355 Keeper 3 5 1 2
#16356 vaccine dildo 3 3 2 0
#16357 Frost_TheMeme 3 9 6 6
#16358 Erytriel 3 5 2 2
#16359 Certified Boy Lover 3 15 5 12
#16360 Boom Boom 3 0 2 3
#16361 TwistedCheshir 3 5 3 2
#16362 Shrimply Pibbles 3 16 3 13
#16363 Your_StepDad 3 16 10 13
#16364 Garret-shadow (RUS) 3 9 3 6
#16365 ThickCock45 Here 3 4 2 1
#16366 Carrotcake 3 4 2 1
#16367 Genki 3 6 8 3
#16368 Salami 3 10 10 7
#16369 FloppyDisk48 3 3 1 0
#16370 P4perweight 3 12 6 9
#16371 TheWaytoWin549 3 5 4 2
#16372 MD5HashBrowns 3 6 3 3
#16373 Bisonlarson 3 3 3 0
#16374 OmegaBattleHawl 3 11 2 8
#16375 Drifter 3 3 2 0
#16376 DangerousAlexander 3 11 9 8
#16377 Rockyy 3 3 6 0
#16378 Ben Dover 3 2 3 1
#16379 Iamlivehaha 3 2 0 1
#16380 e4every1 3 7 3 4
#16381 Papa Glock 3 4 1 1
#16382 LightningAngel4 3 6 6 3
#16383 DiabeticDuck.TV 3 1 1 2
#16384 WinnieDaBlack 3 18 8 15
#16385 Anonymous gamer 3 4 1 1
#16386 Brendan 3 14 13 11
#16387 Anonymous gamer 3 0 3 3
#16388 WilderDragon48 3 5 4 2
#16389 Sad Cat 3 5 1 2
#16390 Ribbie 3 2 0 1
#16391 Pvt. Parts 3 7 4 4
#16392 Jacky le r 3 2 0 1
#16393 TeddyOrion 3 11 4 8
#16394 Joe Montag 3 16 6 13
#16395 Unbreakable Henri 3 31 8 28
#16396 MenWhoGame 3 1 4 2
#16397 Churchill16 3 5 5 2
#16398 Piss 3 7 11 4
#16399 hxiiii 3 7 3 4