This is the real-time leader board. All kills and deaths in the Vrmassive Pavlov lobby will be posted once the map has changed. If you leave before the map has changed you can update your score on the next rotation simply by returning to the lobby.

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Shack Leader Board

Leader Board Create By
Massive & special thanks to Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
To Add To Your Own Leader Board Coming Soon

Total Gamers 19271

Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points
#17500 Sinkay 2 1 1 1
#17501 Mister Q 2 11 4 9
#17502 NoAngel 2 2 1 0
#17503 McRob$tar 2 6 3 4
#17504 OwDoge 2 3 1 1
#17505 MiniPekoe 2 4 0 2
#17506 Cheff 2 5 5 3
#17507 Cray Cray Fish 2 5 5 3
#17508 SmoothRyan312 2 5 2 3
#17509 Anonymous gamer 2 2 4 0
#17510 Shroud 2 5 4 3
#17511 Noobixon 2 16 5 14
#17512 Circle 2 3 1 1
#17513 SirGhosty22 2 7 4 5
#17514 Cairne the defender of kodos 2 9 7 7
#17515 Bloo 2 5 0 3
#17516 tencent 2 6 5 4
#17517 Suchecki 2 3 1 1
#17518 Hope 2 6 2 4
#17519 AdeptDave 2 3 4 1
#17520 Retr0 2 4 1 2
#17521 boogiepm 2 3 2 1
#17522 Hamilton 2 7 1 5
#17523 Bethicals 2 9 5 7
#17524 GOD 2 9 4 7
#17525 Macho Man Randy Savage 2 3 0 1
#17526 Flying Polak 2 6 3 4
#17527 Jarper 2 5 5 3
#17528 Frenchie 2 2 1 0
#17529 Dragon 2 3 3 1
#17530 iggy1 2 18 15 16
#17531 Anonymous gamer 2 6 6 4
#17532 Sirris 2 7 5 5
#17533 AkroGaming 2 2 0 0
#17534 ksostv 2 6 2 4
#17535 inf1nityZ 2 7 7 5
#17536 Leethal 2 1 2 1
#17537 N8 2 10 1 8
#17538 TheZombieSurvivalist 2 14 10 12
#17539 iBoomStick 2 3 4 1
#17540 peco_de_guile 2 8 8 6
#17541 Anonymous gamer 2 19 7 17
#17542 jeanpaulplays 2 17 2 15
#17543 Jaguar 2 5 1 3
#17544 Corrick 2 2 1 0
#17545 Renamon 2 15 8 13
#17546 Cobra Commander 2 5 1 3
#17547 Thunder Bluff 2 19 3 17
#17548 Xeno808 2 14 9 12
#17549 Matt il rosso 2 3 3 1
#17550 Sonta 2 4 1 2
#17551 Arcan 2 23 4 21
#17552 General G 2 8 6 6
#17553 martinsalvador 2 5 5 3
#17554 DrMD 2 13 8 11
#17555 Gr 2 11 3 9
#17556 Yee 2 7 2 5
#17557 mocherowyninja 2 4 2 2
#17558 PoppaPeaches 2 3 3 1
#17559 Anonymous gamer 2 4 1 2
#17560 one singular weed 2 9 2 7
#17561 Garyfatcat 2 2 2 0
#17562 Invicta.FerRod 2 6 2 4
#17563 Toast of War 2 7 5 5
#17564 Frinky 2 5 5 3
#17565 HeadHunter 2 1 0 1
#17566 Anonymous gamer 2 5 3 3
#17567 Galaxial 2 3 3 1
#17568 [ Mav ] 2 9 5 7
#17569 Southpaw Bardoff 2 13 3 11
#17570 Vladislav 2 13 6 11
#17571 Chief Jem 2 6 4 4
#17572 SilentBoss 2 10 4 8
#17573 The Medical Man 2 1 3 1
#17574 legitbusiness 2 4 5 2
#17575 enkodonkor13 2 3 1 1
#17576 ratio bozo 2 1 0 1
#17577 Evil Pancake 2 5 2 3
#17578 Panzer 2 10 5 8
#17579 TieSpeedo 2 1 1 1
#17580 gelato 2 7 7 5
#17581 Normandbh 2 17 17 15
#17582 WellkoAdmiral 2 4 3 2
#17583 TheUnluckyOne 2 6 9 4
#17584 DRACHET 2 4 3 2
#17585 Polar Reality 2 14 6 12
#17586 tim 2 8 4 6
#17587 Slim 2 2 0 0
#17588 FloppyCocksnSocks 2 0 0 2
#17589 Villgger 2 4 5 2
#17590 Smokeymcbongwater 2 6 7 4
#17591 Aragon 2 10 2 8
#17592 skatewax 2 2 2 0
#17593 Whale Sixx 2 9 7 7
#17594 Purity 2 8 7 6
#17595 weedgod2007 2 4 5 2
#17596 Kaizen-99 2 6 7 4
#17597 loneDELTA115 2 2 3 0
#17598 dehuang 2 5 4 3
#17599 Gh0stStarkiller 2 1 0 1