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Massive & special thanks to Vankrupt Games
Version 1.14.11 1/18/2022 Leader Board
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Rank Gamers Top 10 - Infinity Kills Deaths Assists Points #7700 Grant 17 24 30 7 #7701 Neurophant 17 29 25 12 #7702 verialflip 17 7 7 10 #7703 Schleudertrauma 17 24 19 7 #7704 ViPeRuSS 17 15 14 2 #7705 SinnixTV 17 18 13 1 #7706 JEGANDCRG 17 11 10 6 #7707 Giga Doge 17 18 28 1 #7708 Zweiner 17 40 27 23 #7709 J4ckoVR 17 19 12 2 #7710 Gizmoidas 17 16 10 1 #7711 Archaic 17 35 26 18 #7712 TheYellingMute 17 16 11 1 #7713 erock676 17 22 12 5 #7714 Popiolek 17 24 20 7 #7715 [AiR] NoX 17 9 12 8 #7716 Pokemon Killed My Wife 17 15 24 2 #7717 Omega 17 21 24 4 #7718 SamadamadingContent Blocked 17 8 9 9 #7719 RockerCat 17 27 16 10 #7720 Nubeiron 17 16 9 1 #7721 Volito 17 14 12 3 #7722 XLINE 17 27 10 10 #7723 Temporon 17 20 26 3 #7724 Poggers 17 16 18 1 #7725 Stazy 17 39 26 22 #7726 Pappy John 17 21 20 4 #7727 Someone Else 17 21 31 4 #7728 MasterHaze 17 32 25 15 #7729 flum 17 17 14 0 #7730 dRiP3R 17 25 9 8 #7731 hulloray 17 14 8 3 #7732 DavveR 17 20 9 3 #7733 anOwlette 17 42 45 25 #7734 PartTimeChris 17 13 15 4 #7735 franciscoC137 17 32 41 15 #7736 Sofa 17 15 14 2 #7737 Yoink Yoinkerson 17 10 9 7 #7738 Lost Gambit 17 28 27 11 #7739 Kutthroatkitten 17 25 29 8 #7740 Loerpert 17 23 14 6 #7741 PuzzleJarGames 17 34 21 17 #7742 LOX 17 19 3 2 #7743 titan101 17 24 18 7 #7744 thatonekidcomcis 17 28 21 11 #7745 rnrk1212 17 5 16 12 #7746 criss 17 13 14 4 #7747 Noahsbox 17 17 26 0 #7748 Rev 17 38 33 21 #7749 Obama_Gaming 17 32 34 15 #7750 phillips 17 19 16 2 #7751 Kaptn Klutch 17 10 9 7 #7752 Bobszilla 17 26 11 9 #7753 GoldenEclipse13 17 29 37 12 #7754 JaydunPL (Squad 404) 17 37 18 20 #7755 Obama Gaming 17 32 14 15 #7756 Xx/RoTTeN_PooP_SoCK\xX 17 16 14 1 #7757 PhillipMartin 17 43 20 26 #7758 Crazedsoda 17 41 16 24 #7759 Tryz 17 17 36 0 #7760 Heisenberg 17 26 18 9 #7761 ItzzzAzie 17 14 9 3 #7762 The radio 17 15 13 2 #7763 Napalm 17 24 25 7 #7764 T3SK0 17 15 12 2 #7765 Jack of Spades 17 39 19 22 #7766 Chad McThickass 17 27 33 10 #7767 AX 17 20 12 3 #7768 Bionix 17 15 17 2 #7769 joaco63 17 40 19 23 #7770 doom_slayer 17 24 19 7 #7771 Paulmmann 17 23 18 6 #7772 Jackrox360 17 15 22 2 #7773 rojanaric 17 27 25 10 #7774 Anonymous gamer 17 14 15 3 #7775 SoupCube_ 17 20 20 3 #7776 infectedhank604 17 24 16 7 #7777 Egdy 17 29 22 12 #7778 GODSIN 17 24 17 7 #7779 *chimp noises* 17 30 21 13 #7780 lateralkitty7 17 17 14 0 #7781 flingingsquirl 17 21 17 4 #7782 Ho chi minh 17 31 23 14 #7783 lisi 17 17 10 0 #7784 General Chumston 516 17 14 13 3 #7785 wangjiatai9811 17 37 23 20 #7786 Quackerkey 17 25 21 8 #7787 Blacknight91 17 23 14 6 #7788 PeopleRight 17 30 18 13 #7789 Syl 17 24 16 7 #7790 Lucky360 17 16 19 1 #7791 SirMisterMan 17 18 27 1 #7792 Fedex 17 25 15 8 #7793 Bolliric 17 14 23 3 #7794 Eijirro 17 28 29 11 #7795 Agent11065 17 25 4 8 #7796 Toast BOIIII 17 45 33 28 #7797 dancoii77 17 51 27 34 #7798 Black Donkey 17 26 10 9 #7799 cadista36 17 18 21 1 « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 »